Monday, January 22, 2007

Australian Mufti Uncovered meat contest has a winner and a loser !

And the Loser is ! The Mufti !

The winner is presented here to pick up her prize
The Loser is the Mufti Sheik Hilali claimed there's no freedom or democracy for Muslims in Australia and that English people are the most unjust and dishonest.Photo: Cairo Today TV. So the Sheik was told not to bother coming back to Australia if he doesn't like his adopted home or its people.

Acting Prime Minister Mark Vaile labelled the mufti's comments as inappropriate, asking Sheik al-Hilali why he chose to live in Australia when he did not like its laws.

''...I remind Sheik al-Hilali that if he doesn't like Australia, our heritage or our way of life, he doesn't have to come back.''

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